广州中泰玻璃厂本着精心设计,精心打造,精心服务的原则,严格推行以质量创品牌,以品质求生存,以诚信求发展,以管理促效益的宗旨,使公司的业务不断地扩大发展,并在市场中赢得了广大用户的一致好评欢,迎各界朋友来厂参观、指导和业务洽谈 工厂拥有 热弯玻璃的生产线、发热夹胶玻璃生产线、艺术玻璃、自动喷沙玻璃机、玻璃清洗等设备。能承接生产各种类型规格的平钢化、弯钢化、夹胶.销售镀膜等高层次的建筑** 生产销售:平钢化、中空隔音、夹胶、热弯、弯钢化、防火玻璃;制冷行业各种异型玻璃及相关定做玻璃。 质量**”,“服务至上”,“诚信合作”,是我们一贯的经营理念,我们期望与您携手共同发展! Guangzhou Zhong Tai glass the plant be with meticulous care in the light of a design and with meticulous care create, with meticulous care serve of priniple, strictly promote to set brand by mass, beg existence by quality, beg a shape by in good faith, with the aim that the supervision urges efficiency, make the traffic of company constantly expand a shape, and won the large consumer's consistent good reputation in the market joys, face the public friend to come to plant visit, instruction and traffic to talk over The works own steel turns a vitreous production line and clip the glue glass production line, art glass, automatic spray gun sand glass equipments, such as machine and glass cleaning...etc..The even steel that can accept to produce various type specification turns, curved the steel turn, clip glue.The sales plates the building safety of high times like film,etc Quality first", "service highest", "in good faith consortium", is our consistent principle of management, we expect to hold hands with you a common shape!